Wednesday, November 23, 2005


This may be new term to you. Yes, of course it may be. It’s a term defined by me out of my experience. This term has nothing to do with technology or police. The birth of this term is as follows:

The validity period in my prepaid mobile got over on 14th November 2005. Many of my friends, clients, and colleagues have tried calling me and have ended in recording a voice mail (many of them are frustrated bcoz they are charged for voicemail). It is the 10th day today. Without calling and messaging my friends, and vice-versa, I feel like a dead. Am unable to do my routine activities without a mobile. It’s just a 10 days gap, but I have been and also worked without a mobile for over 5 yrs. But, this 10 days gap is making me feel dead.

The mobile which shows the progress of technology over years has become blood and skin of our life.

I wonder what would happen to the world if all the technologies invented or innovated disappears suddenly (at least for a minute)@!$#@$#@ I know its a weird thought, but still...

! Would all of us be able to survive in the absence of technology?
! Is technology driven by humans or driving the humans?

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